Understanding the Times
This blog space exists to answer the top questions Fabish Contracting gets from our clients.
Every project is different. One client might be wondering which countertop material is best, while another might be interested in learning more about the best roofing material. But here is the one question almost every client is trying to understand:
Why is everything so expensive?!
There's two primary answers here.
1. The age of the craftsman is gone. There's a labor shortage.
2. Your money is worth less. Yep, it's called inflation.
If you're over the age of 40 you grew up in a world where men knew how to use tools. Your dad, uncles, and grandpa probably had a garage full of tools. While these men may have had white collar jobs, they were raised in a less industrialized world. They weren't too far removed from a time where electricity didn't exist and where the backyard had a garden, chickens, and maybe even a family cow. These men knew how to work with their hands. They had to, to survive. But in the last fifty years these skills of measuring and cutting, building and tinkering have gone by the wayside.
The days of calling your buddies on the weekend to come help build a deck off the back of the house are nearly over. Much of our society turns it's nose up at blue collar work. This has created an enormous void in the market for skilled craftsman. Finding the right contractor to come design and build your addition and new luxury bathroom is extraordinarily difficult and as the years go on we will continue to see this shortage.
In order for Fabish Contracting to produce high quality homes for you, we seek out the best in the industry. These pros are committed to the trades. They take pride in their work. We are only interested in working with the best of the best, because your home is important to us!
Groceries cost more, gas cost more and of course construction costs more. Yes, the hard goods have increased in price. Your 2x4's don't cost what they used to and neither does the tile or your plumbing fixtures or cabinets. But where the industry is really seeing cost increases is in the labor sector. As noted above, the skilled carpenters, plumbers, and electricians are required higher wages because of basic supply and demand. The demand for skilled tradesmen is extremely high and the availability of these individuals/ companies is very low.
We are committed to serving our clients well in the decades to come. We are adapting and changing with the industry and with the economy. We love designing and building beautiful spaces for you! No matter what comes our way we will be ready to serve you!